Choosing a web hosting company can be hard for one who only have limited knowledge regarding web servers. If you don't have much clue on how to carry out this process, then the following tips can help you make the right selection.
Tip number 1. Data Transfer
Be careful with regards to bandwidth which is basically the amount of data transferred from your page to your visitors. This one is calculated based on the text contents and images that are moving from your web hosting to visitors every time they visit a particular site. Don't believe in unlimited or free bandwidth as extra bandwidth will cost web hosting company and they need to pay for it so go for web hosting that has at least 3GB of bandwidth and up.
Tip number 2. Disk Space
Web hosting companies nowadays are offering 1GB of data and up and they know that you will not use all this space so they're generous. Most likely, you'll need around 20 to 50 MB so do not consider web hosting services primarily because of disk space. This is actually the least thing to take into account when doing comparison.
Tip number 3. Reliability
Downtime is basically the amount of time annual when your web hosting server is down so your visitors won't be able to see your site and you'll likely lose them and thus, reliability must be 99 percent. To give your more tips on how to select the best web hosting company, check out
Tip number 4. Technical Support
Technical support always include chatting with someone from the web hosting company like when asking questions or sending web tickets for sales issues or technical issues. You've got to check for this one on your prospective web hosting company so by that, whenever there's issue that arise, you can reach them and solve it. Check this company!
Tip number 5. FTP, PHP MySQL
FTP is basically the facility where you upload files to the hosting site, PHP on the other hand are scripting language that various web apps are written while MySQL is the database end.
Tip number 6. SSL or Secure Server Layer and Shopping Cart
Some of the hosting companies are offering shopping cart and obviously, any shopping cart is using SSL to secure credit card transactions so you have to consider this particular option if you plan to run a store over the internet.
Tip number 7. Auto-responders and Email
Your web hosting from Quality Hosting Online must allow you make e-mails to your domain name. You've got to be extra careful of email disk space because at times, they are offering low email space that you need to delete emails always to prevent bouncing back of any emails to you as a result of exceeding beyond quota.